Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pro Golfer.

So among the bazillion presents that Jonathan got for his birthday. One of them, from his Uncle Grant was a set of Golf clubs.

So of course Jonathan has been practicing.

He's been getting some coaching....


He's lining up the putt...

Consulting his caddy...

And he's even been getting the ball in the hole a few times...

He even has the golfer's temper...

But his favorite part of golfing....

is the golf carts.....

(notice he has quickly left the heavy lifting to caddy daddy)

Every year on the Mills' family vacation in addition to scoping out the best restaurants and attempting to increase our calories consumed to calories expended ration, we play a competitive round of mini golf. It gets heated, especially amongst a few particular members of the greater Mills family. I won't mention names, but you know who you are.  And you better watch out, because Jonathan is bringing serious game next year!

1 comment:

amberbahler said...

Are you pregnant or something? This is a long time between updates.